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What is a Rider Review?
A Rider Review is a review from you riders! We ask you questions, you answer them! This is a great way to help fellow riders and get your name out there.
First: Answer the neccessary questions for your longboard product.
Next: Answer any optional questions that apply.
Pictures are great too!
Then just send it in and we will post it on the site after review!
Deck Questions
1. Pros about the board.
2. Cons about the board.
3. Favourite thing.
4. Describe the concave/camber/etc
5. How is the durability?
7. Approx wheelbase/effective foot platform?
8. Approx how big wheels can you run?
Optional (answer atleast 2)
How is the board for freeride/slide?
How is the board for downhill?
How is the board for freestyle?
How heavy is the board? (complete or deck alone)
Where did you get it and how much?
Wheel Questions
1. What are these wheels meant for? (Sliding, downhill, etc,)
2. Pros about the wheel?
3. Cons about the wheel?
4. Favourite thing?
Optional (answer atleast 2)
How much were they and where did you get them?
How long do they last?
How are they for sliding/freeride?
How are they for downhill?
How are they for freestyle?
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